Commentary by Cantice My mom called me the other day and asked me who I was voting for. I told her I had already voted for Huckabee. She said, you know who I’m voting for. I said rightly, Obama. We tried to talk about other things, my pregnancy, other family related issues, but we ended up at politics again. My mom insisted that Republicans misrepresent entitlements, claiming that Aid to Dependent Children saps the taxes, when it is actually big business subsidies that increase government spending (and subsequently increase taxes. From what I know, Aid to Dependent Children's Budget is decreasing and being replaced by increased funding for Medicaid through taxes. To her point about big business, I asked, rhetorically, What happens when businesses do well? They create more jobs. More jobs for who? For you and me. She didn't really let up, and I didn't expect her to, and we tried to move on.
I just made the following comment to a girlfriend. Democrats can not talk out of both sides of their faces. How can you end poverty without creating favorable conditions for business owners and high income individuals(who create jobs)? You can’t. What are favorable conditions? Lower taxes and/or a completely revamped tax code.
I heard Neal Boortz ask why Romney didn’t do better yesterday on Super Tuesday. A woman responded that her kids had asked their peers who they’d vote for. The peers said they didn’t know, but not Romney because he’s a Mormon. I’m afraid that his Mormon belief probably has made him a less viable candidate for some voters. I don’t know if I contributed to that with my own blog comment about Romney and the LDS (Latter Day Saints) organization. I was beginning to feel like I shouldn’t have brought it up a week ago. Then I spent last night reading about Mormonism again at And I reaffirmed myself. There is just something arrogant about a pseudo-Christian group who believes that their denomination is the only correct one about Jesus and the Gospel. They believe that the Gospel was restored through Joseph Smith and recorded in The Book of Mormon. You mean to tell me that all of Christianity was wrong from the third century AD until then? And now the LDS church is the only one to whom priestly authority has been restored? I just can’t go for that. And anyone who does, well, I think is a little arrogant, or at least grosely misinformed. So, I, like the kids' friends, just feel a little uneasy about Romney. He is undoubtedly an economic powerhouse. He knows how to turn a failing budget, economy, and/or business into a thriving one, there is no doubt about it. But I think his appeal ends there. So, while I realize that this country is in need of an economic mind such as Romney's, I still want more out of a president than a thriving national economic portfolio.