Monday, January 08, 2007

Hopeful but Realistic

Commentary by Wanda

I am excited about 2007! With the House voting to increase the minimum wage, Jennifer Hudson experiencing the greatest revenge- success, Nancy Pelosi becoming the first woman Speaker of The House, two African American coaches squaring off in the Super Bowl, a man of Kenyan and American descent and a strong, intelligent woman campaigning for the candidacy of President, the future completion of my Masters degree and the upcoming birth of my brother and his wife’s first child together – things are looking up for the new year. Although, I am overwhelmed with hope there are just a few minor things that keep my feet planted on the ground - the reality of New Year resolutions.

In the spirit of realism, I have resolved to eliminate New Year resolutions. Typically this time of year everyone is re-joining athletic clubs, or participating in some extreme diet, or taking the more spiritual route by embarking on a fast with their church. Many of us have created the perfect New Year Resolution list, adding to, and deleting goals, until it is the perfect checklist of repeat offenders. My annual list typically reads as follows: 1.) Grow Closer to God 2.) Improve Money Management Skills 3.) Exercise 4.) Start Cooking 5.) Travel 6.) Gain 10lbs. My hopeful side tells me that I can accomplish all these goals but realistically, I know that I will continue to sit on my couch and watch reality TV, while scarfing down McDonald's french fries, and looking over my budget to try and figure out how I can purchase that must have purse!

What this year will bring we have yet to see, but lets hope that when we look back over the year realism wouldn’t have turned to apathy and hope would not have morphed into discouragement. Keep hope alive- you never know, I may actually use my check register and Barack or Hillary may lead the candidacy for the next President of the United States!

Commentary by Cantice

Happy New Year and welcome back. This year will shape up to be a good one because God will still be on the throne at the end of it. Therein lies my hope. I am not excited about Obama, and (as you may have guessed) I am mortified about Hillary. But, enough about politics, we have 11 months left to scrap about that.

I have some goals for '07: 1)repay debt 2)further develop Verge 3)pass my Ph.D exams on the first try. I also plan to play an even bigger role in my sons' education, since Joshua will be five in July. I don't knock resolutions, goals, or whatever you want to call them. I'd just encourage those who make them to allow someone to hold you accountable to them and to take the material steps to achieve them. I picked up an additional class (to teach) to gain more income and the board of Verge has agreed to purchase membership in a local center for non-profit development. I also created a book list of relevant reading and math activities that I can do at home with my son. I'd like to think I'm on my way to a productive year and I'm praying for God to make up the difference between my plans and what is right.

GOPers, Conservatives, and Libertarians keep on campaigning, voting, blogging, talking, and, borrowing the words of Jesse and Wanda, Keep hope alive!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year,
I am not making New Year's resolutions but do like the thought of the clean slate of a new year to complete the goals that I have thought of but have not worked towards.
So my hope for 2007 is more God and less debt.
I also look forward to more of your very thought provoking blogs.
Thanks for challenging my ideas and beliefs.